My Garden Route road trip through the South African coast was the most unprepared trip of my life yet, one of the best.
Travelling alone and travelling with your squad is different in so many ways. I have learned from both experiences so I am sharing my tips with you today so you can also have amazing memories to cherish.
Related/A lire aussi: Les meilleures destinations pour un premier voyage solo
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Barcelona,Spain |
1) Find friends you truly trust and know that they can commit/Assurez-vous que vos amis soient vraiment motivés et prêts à s'engager:
There is nothing more disappointing than canceling a trip because at the end no one has the money or the time to travel. So before booking anything, talk with your friends and see who is available and when. Make sure everyone knows exactly when their school year will be over (including resits) and the time frame of those who have a summer job and so on.
Bear in mind that it doesn't have to be a one month trip to be great, even a four day trip can be amazing, believe me. You don't need to go too far either.
New York,USA |
2) Discuss the budget/Parlez du budget:
As I said before, it doesn't have to be a one month trip to be amazing. If you guys can only afford a 3 day trip, go for it!
However, money is an important factor here as not everyone has the same budget or is willing to pay the same price for the same thing. Maybe you prefer staying at backpackers because it's cheaper for you and your friends are more into hotels with a private bathroom... Well, you can stay at a backpackers and meet your friends later. During my garden route road trip we didn't all stay at the same backpackers as there were not enough places for everyone And it didn't matter. We were meeting up in the morning for our daily activities and were gathering at each other backpackers for dinner.
Le budget de chacun est important parce que tout le monde n'est pas prêt à payer le même montant pour le même produit/service. Vous préférez peut être aller en auberge alors que vos amis préfèrent l'hôtel... N'hésitez pas à diviser le groupe. Ceux qui veulent aller à l'hôtel peuvent y aller pendant que les autres sont à l'auberge. Tant que vous êtes pas trop loin les uns des autres, ça ne devrait pas poser de problème. Vous pourrez toujours passer vos journées ensemble.
3) Be ready to arg for irrelevant things/préparez vous à vous disputer pour des trucs débiles:
Being with the same people 24/7 can be overwhelming especially if it's the first time you spend a long amount of time with them. There are little arguments that might come up and that's fine. Don't take it too personally. Remember, you are here to enjoy life with your friends. When there is a problem, talk about it, resolve it and move on.
Malta |
4) Give others some space/Laissez-vous respirer:
Although you are travelling together, it doesn't mean that you guys have to literally be together 24/7 . Maybe one of your friends needs some time to meditate, listen to some music, work out... Give him some space!
C'est pas parce que vous voyagez ensemble que vous devez être les uns sur les autres. Pas besoin de se coller 24h sur 24. S'il y en a un qui veut aller faire du sport, méditer, ou écouter de la musique, laissez-le tranquille.
5) Discuss the kind of activities that everyone wants to do/Parlez des activités que chacun veut faire:
Communication is key in life. Know what everyone has in mind. Maybe you want to club all night long and your friends are more into sightseeing... Well, don't be upset if the whole group is not into what you want to do. Take the ones who want to go hiking with you while the others are going to the beach for example. Again, you don't have to be all together 24/7. Always meet people half way as long as everyone is happy at the end.
London, The UK |
6)Make a planning for the chores/Partagez-vous les tâches ménagères de façon claire:
Discussing the chores can be important if you guys rent a flat. Maybe one prefers to clean the dishes instead of going grocery shopping. Make sure everyone voices what he is willing to do.
Savoir qui fait quoi va diminuer les chances de se disputer à propos de petits trucs. Peut-être que vous préférez passer l'aspi au lieu de faire la vaisselle. Faites-le savoir à votre groupe.
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Lisbon, Portugal |
Planning and expecting too much can be disappointing. Just be open to whatever might happen. That's the beauty of life.
Ne planifiez pas tout. Avoir trop d'attentes peu être décevant. Soyez ouvert aux opportunités et aux autres et ce sera mémorable.
On a side note, I've moved to London and I'm sharing my adventures on Snapchat and instagram. Make sure you follow me (studentsntravel) !
Sinon, j'ai emmenagé à Londres et je partage mes aventures sur snapchat et insta (studentsntravel)!