I already wrote several articles on how to save money so you can afford to travel (more) on this blog,but I came up with new ideas to keep your bank account a little fuller.
J'ai écrit plusieurs articles sur comment économiser davantage pour voyager, mais je me suis rendu compte que j'avais d'autres astuces sous le coude.
Related/à lire:How to save money/comment économiser de l'argent
1) Baby-sit or teach/ Faites du Baby sitting ou donnez des cours:
There are plenty of little gigs that allow you to keep your body and soul together. I'm sure you can baby-sit or teach mathematics, English or piano. Post something on Facebook or gumtree and let people come to you.
1) Baby-sit or teach/ Faites du Baby sitting ou donnez des cours:
There are plenty of little gigs that allow you to keep your body and soul together. I'm sure you can baby-sit or teach mathematics, English or piano. Post something on Facebook or gumtree and let people come to you.
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Blue Grotto, Malta |
Il y a plein de petits jobs ponctuels à faire qui vous permettent d'arrondir vos fins de mois. Pensez à faire du Baby sitting, du ménage chez des personnes âgées ou encore aux cours particuliers.
2)Work and travel at the same time/voyagez et travaillez en même temps:
I know that working is not the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about a lifetime trip but it has several advantages. There are plenty of countries out there offering a work permit visa to young people. If you are a native English speaker, your life will be even easier. There are so many places where you can teach English and receive enough money to eat and play. Else, you can also become an au pair or use work away (on this website, you can get in touch with hostels, house owners and have free accommodation by working for them in exchange).
2)Work and travel at the same time/voyagez et travaillez en même temps:
I know that working is not the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about a lifetime trip but it has several advantages. There are plenty of countries out there offering a work permit visa to young people. If you are a native English speaker, your life will be even easier. There are so many places where you can teach English and receive enough money to eat and play. Else, you can also become an au pair or use work away (on this website, you can get in touch with hostels, house owners and have free accommodation by working for them in exchange).
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Musée d'Orsay, Paris |
Voyagez et travaillez en même temps ne vous vient pas forcément à l'esprit mais franchement c'est le meilleur moyen de s'intégrer et de ne pas s'inquiéter pour son compte en banque en rentrant. Vous pouvez sans doute donner des cours de français ou même travailler en échange du gîte et du couvert. Je vous conseille Workaway, il y a plein d'offres partout dans le monde.
Related/à lire: Why don't need to be rich to travel/Voyager sans être riche
3)Eat healthy/Mangez sainement
Because I work out so much, I need real nutrients to complete my work out without fainting...
I know that eating healthy can be expensive but it becomes cheaper if you focus on food that will make you feel full longer and will give you real nutrients. If you quit/reduce your consumption of unhealthy food (and meat!), you actually have more money for real food. Think about oatmeal for breakfast and lemon and water instead of sodas for example. Eat complex carbs as much as you can and focus on eggs. Fruits will also make you feel fuller than processed foods that are full of refined sugar. Always have healthy snacks with you so you don't rush on the first vending machine for a Mars bar. Nuts are amazing to keep you full until your next meal.
Related/à lire: Why don't need to be rich to travel/Voyager sans être riche
3)Eat healthy/Mangez sainement
Because I work out so much, I need real nutrients to complete my work out without fainting...
I know that eating healthy can be expensive but it becomes cheaper if you focus on food that will make you feel full longer and will give you real nutrients. If you quit/reduce your consumption of unhealthy food (and meat!), you actually have more money for real food. Think about oatmeal for breakfast and lemon and water instead of sodas for example. Eat complex carbs as much as you can and focus on eggs. Fruits will also make you feel fuller than processed foods that are full of refined sugar. Always have healthy snacks with you so you don't rush on the first vending machine for a Mars bar. Nuts are amazing to keep you full until your next meal.
Avec tout le sport que je fais, je ne peux pas me permettre de manger des trucs sans nutriments. Mangez sainement vous permettra de réduire votre facture de courses et surtout de vous sentir plein plus longtemps. Quand je dis sainement, je veux dire moins de viande et moins de plats industriels. Si vous voulez des gâteaux faites-les vous même (avec des farines plus saines et du miel par exemple). Concentrez-vous sur la nourriture complète histoire de vraiment satisfaire votre estomac. Pensez aux flocons d'avoine pour le petit dej à la place du pain blanc qui ne vous apporte que du sucre rapide par exemple...Préparez vos repas le soir et congelez vos légumes.Congelez tout ce que vous pouvez (même vos oignons). C'est un gain de temps et ca vous évite de laisser pourrir certains aliments au frais.
Baladez-vous avec des noix dans votre sac. C'est juste parfait comme encas. Ca vous cale jusqu'au prochain repas et vous apporte de bonnes graisses.
4)Quit the fitness club and work out at home/faites du sport à la maison:
I've been working out a lot lately and it has cost me almost nothing. This is because I mostly use youtube videos and I work out with my bodyweight and dumbells. I mostly work out with fitness blender as they have full length videos for strength training. I also go sprinting or swimming on cardio days. You can quit the fitness club if you plan on going on a long trip and join it again later when you won't need to save this much (I know that nothing beats the gym).
4)Quit the fitness club and work out at home/faites du sport à la maison:
I've been working out a lot lately and it has cost me almost nothing. This is because I mostly use youtube videos and I work out with my bodyweight and dumbells. I mostly work out with fitness blender as they have full length videos for strength training. I also go sprinting or swimming on cardio days. You can quit the fitness club if you plan on going on a long trip and join it again later when you won't need to save this much (I know that nothing beats the gym).
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Bologna, Italy |
Arrêtez la salle de sport et faites des activités à l extérieur ou entraînez vous à la maison grâce à YouTube. Il y a plein de chaînes YouTube ou vous trouverez des vidéos complètes de circuits de renforcement musculaire. Personnellement j'adore la chaîne fitness blender! Rien ne vous empêche de rejoindre la salle de sport plus tard quand vous aurez moins besoin d'économiser (je sais que rien ne vaut la vraie salle de sport!).
5)Keep a track of the money you lend/Notez les noms des gens à qui vous prêtez des sous
This is something I started lately, but seriously, every time someone borrows you money, write it on your phone else you will forget about it (and the person who owes you money too...!). And don't be shy to ask for it! It's your money after all.
This is something I started lately, but seriously, every time someone borrows you money, write it on your phone else you will forget about it (and the person who owes you money too...!). And don't be shy to ask for it! It's your money after all.
A chaque fois que vous prêtez des sous à quelqu'un, notez le au fur et à mesure. Ca vous évitera d'oublier ce qu'on vous doit et de vous faire avoir... N'ayez pas peur de le réclamer.C'est votre argent après tout!
6) Open a saving account/Ouvrez un compte épargne
Opening a saving account will make the difference when it comes to saving money. Believe me. If you keep all of your money in your current account, you tend to think that you have unlimited money. Opening a saving account will make you set your own limits and you will receive interests by the end of the year. Just keep the amount of money you need for your real expenses every month. The rest will make this lifetime trip possible.
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Paris |
Ouvrir un compte épargne fera vraiment la différence. Quand on laisse tout son argent sur le compte courant, on se sent riche et on a l'impression que c'est de l'argent à volonté. Pour la plupart d'entre nous c'est malheureusement faux.Prenez vraiment l'habitude de garder sur votre compte courant que ce que vous avez besoin pour le mois et virez le reste en épargne. Vous aurez des intérêts à la fin de l'année et même si ce sera pas beaucoup, ce sera toujours mieux que rien.
7)Withdraw cash for the month/Retirez de l'espèce pour le mois
This tip will allow you to keep track of your expenses. By withdrawing a huge amount of cash for the week/month, you will have a better overview of what you really have in your pocket. Paying with your credit card makes you forget that you are spending real money and it doesn't allow you to know as easily what you really have left.
Je vous conseille de retirer une grosse somme d'argent pour le mois/semaine et de tout payer en espèces. Ca vous permettra de savoir combien vous avez réellement. Payer avec votre carte ne vous permet pas de suivre vos dépenses en temps réel et surtout vous avez l'impression qu'il s'agit d'argent virtuel.
Over to you!
What are your personal tips to save/earn money?
7)Withdraw cash for the month/Retirez de l'espèce pour le mois
This tip will allow you to keep track of your expenses. By withdrawing a huge amount of cash for the week/month, you will have a better overview of what you really have in your pocket. Paying with your credit card makes you forget that you are spending real money and it doesn't allow you to know as easily what you really have left.
Je vous conseille de retirer une grosse somme d'argent pour le mois/semaine et de tout payer en espèces. Ca vous permettra de savoir combien vous avez réellement. Payer avec votre carte ne vous permet pas de suivre vos dépenses en temps réel et surtout vous avez l'impression qu'il s'agit d'argent virtuel.
Over to you!
What are your personal tips to save/earn money?
A vous, quelles sont vos astuces pour économiser des sous?